Diesel fuel is composed of a mixture of hydrocarbon molecules which are derived from crude oil. Although it includes products like burner & heating fuel, fuel oil, etc., most times, it refers to a distillate which is burned inside compression combustion engines or home heating systems. Unlike motor gasoline which is ignited by electrical spark, diesel fuel is ignited in an internal combustion engine cylinder under very high compression by the heat of air. It is used to power large vehicles such as trucks, buses, agricultural vehicles, generating plants, power bikes, etc.
Diesel tuning means tweaking your vehicle to unleash some more power and torque from its engine. To do so, our technicians will simply connect the remapping device to your vehicle’s on-board diagnostic port (OBD), where the ECU information is downloaded. The ECU can then be tuned to your specification, written back to the engine through the OBD port and it’s done! Your vehicle can be tuned to remap power or fuel economy, and it typically takes less than 2 hours from start to finish. We run full diagnostics before and after the remap to ensure that there are no faults with your engine.
When diesel engines smoke, it is usually caused by an incomplete combustion most times. White smoke for instance is usually caused by little drops of unburned fuel which results when the engine is misfired at low temperatures. White smoke is nothing to worry about, as it usually resolves the moment the engine warms up. Black smoke on the other hand may mean that your injector is faulty or the engine is overloaded. It could also be an indication of an engine that is in need of mechanical repairs. If you notice any unusual smoking of your car, please call us at Flash Diesel to have it checked out.
A vehicle remapping will definitely affect your vehicle, positively. We assure you that it does not cause any damage to it. What we do when we remap your vehicle is simply to modify the ECU software, which doesn’t harm your vehicle. We’ve also had a number of customers ask us to remap their vehicles such that it produces more power and torque for them, which we oblige too, as that also is safe. However, not all technicians are able to remap vehicles successfully, which is why we strongly advise that you only use expert technicians, such as those at Flash Diesel, with credibility when remapping your vehicle.
To get a picture of how much fuel your car will consume after having it remapped will depend on what requirements you want as well as your driving style. If you choose a maximum power output remap and drive it accordingly, you will definitely see a decrease in its fuel consumption. Our technicians over at Flash Diesel can help you weigh your options and come up with a mapping plan that works best for you.
Whether you require low or high impedance injectors depends on the driver signal which your ECU delivers to the injectors. If you use an OEM ECU, you need to measure the impedance of the OEM injectors and select those what correspond with the impedance category of the OEM injectors. This is a very simple way to determine the type of injectors you need. An improper injector can damage your vehicle’s ECU so it is important that you get it right. Alternatively, you can pay us a visit at Flash Diesel and we would be glad to be of assistance in that regard.
The cause of injector problems in diesel engines can stem from a number of issues. However, some of the most common injector problems can come from contamination, water, dirt or airborne materials. These issues are usually correctable, and do not require any extreme work done. A filter replacement can be installed to prevent injector and pump wears which cause premature repairs. Our expert and professional technicians over at Flash Diesel can have new filters installed for you to prevent injector problems, and also repair any damage it may have caused.
Yes, there are significant differences between the 2 injectors. Low impedance injectors have faster open and close times due to the electrical signal that is emitted by the ECU with working signal transmitters. It also uses a high initial current to open it, which later reduces to a low current until the pulse ends. High impedance injectors on the other hand are triggered by a low current which is kept open by the same amount of current throughout the cycle. Most of the OEM injectors you see today are high impedance.
An intercooler is a device which helps to remove the heat trapped in the air charge which the supercharger or turbo forces into it during the process of compression. It benefits you in so many ways, as reducing the heat in the air charge increases the charge density consequently increasing the potential to make more power. Another benefit of an intercooler which reduces the heat is the tendency to decrease the risk of the combustion process to knock which is otherwise known as detonation. At Flash Diesel, we have technicians who can help you install a premium intercooler to maintain your diesel engine.
If you have water based intercooler, all you need to do is always pay attention to its water level. You can also add an anti-freeze of your choice, which is a chemical that prevents the water in it from freezing during cold weather conditions. Also, ensure that it is checked regularly for leaks, as large leaks can be the precursor to greater problems. It won’t hurt to also have the intercooler element washed out every 15 to 20K miles. This will help to remove any accumulated grime or oil residue which can reduce the intercooler’s efficiency.